
Tell me again
how the money can’t be found
Can’t be raised to honor
those whose lives
You stole;
Buried in the ground

Tell me that why you cannot
bless a wedding unless
The intention of that marriage
Is another child you can bless

Tell me again how they are savages
Are the other
When aren’t you supposed
To be walking Jesus path
A Christian Brother

Tell me again how little Boys
Can grow to be
Angels yet
Little girls dare not dream

Tell me again
How your heart breaks
At these truths revealed
When abuses abound
And your lips are sealed

Yes tell me again
Let’s sit break bread together
Or is your stomach too upset
From this impending bad weather

Not just Catholic Churches
should shaking
The inauthenticity of those
Who smile and discriminate
Also quaking

That rumbling you hear
That crumbling of walls
Imagine the day when none show
Up at all.

Yet singing can be heard
Rejoicing can be found
When once again
Latent Pharisees
Jericho’s walls come down