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I don’t know.

What a powerful place to stand – just ask Amerigo Vespucci.

When I was 23, I had no idea how to run a successful hot dog venture. I had no idea that my competition worked for an entire year with the city to create a vending license I just went in and picked it up. I didn’t know, I needed to apply for an event licence for the Discovery Day celebrations, just set up the cart and started to sell – paying the registration fee a few hours later and asking forgiveness was easy.

Within a few weeks we had gone from me and my girlfriend to 10 employees and a weekly bank deposit of $3000.00 over the next 12 weeks -not bad for not knowing what I was doing and not bad for 1986 when hot dogs were $1.50.

Who knows where I would have been now if I had chosen to stay in Newfoundland with that business after graduation from MBA school rather than going to find my treasure in the big city accepting a transfer to Brampton with Day & Ross from small town New Brunswick for an annual salary less than the money I made the previous summer selling hot dogs & pepsi.

I don’t know.

But I don’t get to know. We just don’t. We don’t get to wake up every morning living life over and over until we get it right like Phil Connors, TV weatherman in Groundhog Day.

We just have this life. And we keep moving forward as best we can.

Every once and a while or more often if you are lucky – we wake up in this moment. We slow down enough to be grateful for all of it. We recognize each little moment as precious, not gobbled down like the Burger King meal I had tonight.

Three years ago when I started speaking with Linda Hewitt from Mallorca, Spain who lives 5,000km away from me I didn’t know how a relationship would turn out, still don’t.

Didn’t know that 18 years ago when I stood on the railway bed that early Sunday morning and asked God for help because I did not know how to quit drinking, how wonderfully rich my life would be NOW after being finally willing to really listen to his advice.

So in this moment – I see once again – I don’t know how to be a property manager. Don’t know how to build a global enterprise. Don’t know how to write a book; publish my poetry; be a podcaster.

Don’t know…

Yet I am willing to sail in that not knowing.

You see, it is in that space that miracles occur.

Yes we can improve on the things that we already know. We can learn new things that we know that we don’t know.

But the magic; the wonder; they live in an entirely different place, a entirely different space.

Just ask Amerigo Vespucci.

What is it that you just don’t know?

You waiting for your ship to sail in with all the answers in crates on the decks?

Or…are you willing to cast off your lines and head out on the open sea?

Create a great day!
